Hend Baza, featured ILCS liquid crystal artist, May 2019

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Hend M Baza was born in Zefta-Ghrabiah, Egypt. She got her B. Sc. in Physics from Cairo university (Egypt) and her master’s degree from Kent State university and currently she is a Ph. D. candidate at the physics department, Kent State University, under the supervision of Dr. Oleg D. Lavrentovich.

However, she is interested in the physics of fundamental particles and forces (High Energy Physics), she is fascinated by the physics of active matter. Currently she is conducting research in Lavrentovich’s laboratory, where she is studying the defect structures induced by mechanical forces in chromonic liquid crystals and livening liquid crystals.

Email: hbaza@kent.edu
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The picture is for 10 μm cell of DSCG 14 wt.% in DI water at 23ºC, taken using a polarizing optical microscope, with crossed polarizers and full wave plate with 45 degrees to the polarizer/analyzer, and 10x objective.
Jury comment: This picture beautifully illustrates the effect of air bubbles on the alignment of chromonic lyotropic liquid crystals.