FLC 2019: Frontiers of Chirality and Polarity in Soft Matter

The Soft Materials Research Center at the University of Colorado Boulder is delighted to announce the 17th International Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Conference, FLC 2019: Frontiers of Chirality and Polarity in Soft Matter.

The conference will take place
Sunday – Wednesday, August 4 – 7, 2019, on the campus of the University of Colorado Boulder. FLC 2019 will feature oral and poster presentations in all areas involving chirality and/or polarity in soft matter. There will also be excursions scheduled for Thursday, August 8, allowing conference participants an opportunity to take advantage of the world class sightseeing and outdoor activities available near Boulder and in the greater Rocky Mountain area.

The conference website:
https://flc2019.colorado.edu will be live within a week (by 9/19/2018).

Please mark your calendar and stay tuned for further information!

With best regards,
David M. Walba
Conference Chair
