New ILCS web manager
12/10/21 22:42 Filed in: News
It is my pleasure to announce that Anna Drzewicz from the Department of Soft Matter Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences will be our new web manager, starting in January 2022. Welcome to the ILCS Board of Directors.
At the same time I would like everybody to join me in extending my sincere thanks to Mateusz Mrukiewicz for all his hard work in setting up and designing our new website and his services to the society for the past 6 years. Thanks so much.
Ingo Dierking
At the same time I would like everybody to join me in extending my sincere thanks to Mateusz Mrukiewicz for all his hard work in setting up and designing our new website and his services to the society for the past 6 years. Thanks so much.
Ingo Dierking