August 2018

Septemeber 2018 liquid crystal picture

Image of a "Oily Streak Texture", by Hao Wang, has been selected as the August 2018 ILCS liquid crystal picture. The texture attracts by a composition of polygons on a sunny-colour background.


Smart Nanomaterials, 10-13 December 2018, France

The following international conference on Smart Nanomaterials will take place in Ecole Nationale Chimie Paris Tech from 10th to 13th of December 2018: Smart Nanomaterials: Advances, Innovation and Application Conference with more information to be found at

The conference focus is to discuss the most critical technological advances, innovations and new practical applications in Smart Technologies.
Smart NanoMaterials 2018 (SNAIA2018) will provide a unique platform to meet, share knowledge and establish links between experts from academia and industry in the emerging fields of Wearable (Opto)Electronics, CMOS Photonics, Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, OptoGenetics, Smart Coatings and Thin Films.
The conference programme will also include the Microscopy and Microspectroscopy of Nanomaterials Symposium in partnership with the Royal Microscopical Society (RMS), UK, and the European Microscopy Society (EMS). The symposium will cover fundamental techniques such as optical microscopy, TEM, STEM, EELS, EDX, SEM, AFM, Raman, and FTIR for a wide range of possible applications, from chemistry and material fabrication of nanomaterials to nanophotonic and (opto)-electronic systems and thin-film coating engineering. The symposium will further include a workshop with hands-on demonstrations and the possibility to test participants' samples on-site.

We have an exciting list of Keynote and Invited Speakers lined up for this event:
Prof. Andrea C. Ferrari - Cambridge Graphene Centre
Prof. Pavlos Lagoudakis - University of Southampton & Skoltech University Prof. David Andrews - University of East Anglia
Prof. Coskun Kocabas - University of Manchester
Prof. Frank A. Nüesch - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Prof. László Forró - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Prof. Jérôme Tignon – École Normale Supérieure and UPMC
Prof. Mikhail Portnoi - University of Exeter
Prof. Igor Lukyanchuk - University of Amiens
Prof. Oleg Yazev - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Prof. Alexander Baranov - ITMO University
Prof. Monica Craciun - University of Exeter
Prof. Andrey Somov - Skoltech University
Prof. Alberto G. Curto - Eindhoven University of Technology
Prof. Igor Bondarev - North Carolina Central University
Prof. Zhe Li - Cardiff University
Prof. Michelle Sander - Boston University Dr. Stanislav Leesment - NT-MDT
Dr. Ingo Dierking - University of Manchester

More information on Smart Nanomaterials: Advances, Innovation and Application Conference can be found at

Thank you very much for your cooperation,
Prof Anna Baldycheva Centre for Graphene Science

August 2018 liquid crystal picture

Image of a "Optical ripples", by Greta Babakhanova, has been selected as the August 2018 ILCS liquid crystal picture.
