December 2019
ILCS art contest jury of 2020
21/12/19 19:03 Filed in: News
The International Liquid Crystal Society is pleased to announce that Professor Georg Mehl from the University of Hull, UK, will be a juror in 2020 of the ILCS art contest.
Georg Mehl obtained his PhD in Chemistry at the University of Freiburg in Germany. Currently he is Professor for Organic and Materials Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, University of Hull, UK. His work focuses currently on the design and investigation of novel functional molecular and supra-molecular systems and nanoparticle-liquid crystal composites.
Jurors in previous years.
Georg Mehl obtained his PhD in Chemistry at the University of Freiburg in Germany. Currently he is Professor for Organic and Materials Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, University of Hull, UK. His work focuses currently on the design and investigation of novel functional molecular and supra-molecular systems and nanoparticle-liquid crystal composites.
Jurors in previous years.
Nomination for 2020 ILCS Honors and Awards
10/12/19 10:06 Filed in: News
Dear ILCS Members:
The ILCS has several different honors and awards for scientists and engineers at different career stages. These include:
1) The Glenn H. Brown Prizes for the best Ph.D. theses (four are usually awarded every two years);
2) The Michi Nakata Award for early career (postdoctoral) achievement;
3) The Samsung and LG Philips Display Mid-Career Awards (two separate awards);
4) The Pierre Gilles de Gennes Prize; and
5) Election as Honored Member.
The ILCS Awards are given biennially (once every two years) at the International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC). General rules governing the process for solicitation of nominations and selection of the winners can be found in the ILCS Bylaws. Nominations will be accepted from December 1, 2019 through February 15, 2020. Detailed descriptions about the awards, eligibility and nomination guides are found here including the list of past recipients.
Nomination for the ILCS awards will be accepted online ONLY at:
The last not the least caveat is that the eligibility for nomination is not limited to the members of ILCS. I would like to encourage all of you to widely distribute this announcement to anybody who might have potential interest in the awards.
We look forward to having strong candidates.
The nomination period is from Dec 1, 2019 to Feb 15, 2020.
Dear ILCS member, if you wish to receive emails send by the society, for example about nominations, elections, calls etc., please see that you have included an up to date and working email address in your profile.
Sin-Doo Lee
Chair, ILCS Honors and Awards Committee
Seoul National University, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Seoul, Korea
The ILCS has several different honors and awards for scientists and engineers at different career stages. These include:
1) The Glenn H. Brown Prizes for the best Ph.D. theses (four are usually awarded every two years);
2) The Michi Nakata Award for early career (postdoctoral) achievement;
3) The Samsung and LG Philips Display Mid-Career Awards (two separate awards);
4) The Pierre Gilles de Gennes Prize; and
5) Election as Honored Member.
The ILCS Awards are given biennially (once every two years) at the International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC). General rules governing the process for solicitation of nominations and selection of the winners can be found in the ILCS Bylaws. Nominations will be accepted from December 1, 2019 through February 15, 2020. Detailed descriptions about the awards, eligibility and nomination guides are found here including the list of past recipients.
Nomination for the ILCS awards will be accepted online ONLY at:
The last not the least caveat is that the eligibility for nomination is not limited to the members of ILCS. I would like to encourage all of you to widely distribute this announcement to anybody who might have potential interest in the awards.
We look forward to having strong candidates.
The nomination period is from Dec 1, 2019 to Feb 15, 2020.
Dear ILCS member, if you wish to receive emails send by the society, for example about nominations, elections, calls etc., please see that you have included an up to date and working email address in your profile.
Sin-Doo Lee
Chair, ILCS Honors and Awards Committee
Seoul National University, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Seoul, Korea
December 2019 liquid crystal picture
01/12/19 10:07 Filed in: Art Contest
A fantastic image of Cholesteric liquid crystal shell, by Buchaiah Gollapelli, has been selected as the December 2019 ILCS liquid crystal picture. This picture artistically represents the beauty of the structure of a cholesteric liquid crystal shell with planar boundary conditions.