February 2017
March 2017 Liquid Crystal Picture
28/02/17 21:52 Filed in: Art Contest
Image of turbulent flows of a Smectic-A phase by Hsin-Ling Liang has been selected as the March 2017 ILCS liquid crystal picture.
Video about the UNIQUE project
15/02/17 10:28 Filed in: Video
Here is a popular information video about the UNIQUE project, an interdisciplinary collaboration between the ESMP group led by prof. Jan Lagerwall and the group of Dr. Gabriele Lenzini at SnT. The project aims at developing a new type of security token based on liquid crystal shells, which can be used to authenticate persons or valuable objects.
New Research Group in India: Soft Matter Research Group
11/02/17 23:01 Filed in: News
Soft Matter Research Group at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati joins to affiliated ILCS research groups.
New Research Group in India: Laboratory of Smart Materials and Supramolecular Chemistry
08/02/17 21:18 Filed in: News
New research group website in India:
Chinese Liquid Crystal Society
06/02/17 20:32 Filed in: News
I am pleased to inform you that the Chinese Liquid Crystal Society (Director, Prof. Li Xuan) has formally become an Affiliate Society Member of the ILCS. Today, China is one of the major contributors to the advancement of science and technology of liquid crystals. It has been much anticipated that CLCS joins the ILCS. This is the culmination of long efforts by the past presidents and leadership of the society. I would like to express my gratitude for their foresight and resilient endeavor.
Please join me to welcome CLCS as our new Society Member.
Hiroshi YOKOYAMA, Ph.D.
President, International Liquid Crystal Society (ILCS)
Please join me to welcome CLCS as our new Society Member.
Hiroshi YOKOYAMA, Ph.D.
President, International Liquid Crystal Society (ILCS)
Facebook Page
01/02/17 00:13 Filed in: News
Good news! International Liquid Crystal Society now has a Facebook Page, which you can visit by clicking here.